Lay me down, my Jesus……

I am re-posting this little prayer/poem from two years ago, because I need it this week…just as I did when I wrote it in Adoration a long time ago. Lying down on the Heart of Jesus is sometimes the very best prayer.


Jesus, my All,
lay me upon Your Heart,
for I am so very weary.
May I rest awhile in You,
in Your Heart so Pure,
in the Shelter of Your Love?

Lay me down my Jesus;
draw me close to You,
where I will find again
all life seems to have
used up in me.

Everything I thought lost
is not really lost at all.
Both my joys and sufferings
Are but instruments for good
in Your Sacred Hands.

Ah, how kind You are,
I know it well.
You are the Love I yearn for.
My poor little life
is precious to You,
and that so charms me,
O King of kings!

I am free and loved,
because there is nothing
I could possibly give
or do for You.
You want only my heart,
my gaze fixed on You.

How Pure is Your Love!
The world tugs and pulls me,
but You gather me up
How sweet and peaceful is Your Love.
I long for You, my unseen,
Beautiful One.

Lay me down upon Your breast,
my sweet Jesus.
Let me pass what remains
of this life
in the safe and loving warmth
of Your embrace.

10 thoughts on “Lay me down, my Jesus……

  1. Patricia,

    I am sorry you are feeling so very weary. I am praying for you. You should put together a little book of your prayers and poems. They come straight from the heart and are so very beautiful. With love from your new slightly younger sister. (I hope your real sister doesn’t mind that I’ve adopted you!)

    • Hi little sis 🙂 Thank you so much for your prayers. It has been such an exhausting week. Everyone close to me having problems…and me as well. I remember how your family never stops praying for someone once they start. Yay! I love that….Elvis prayers for the rest of my life. Thank you!

      Such kind words about my little prayers and poems! Maybe i’ll make a booklet when you write your parenting book. 🙂 You could really be helpful while writing something that would be such fun to read. I know it would be a bestseller, especially among homeschooling famiiies.

      My sister doesn’t know I’ve been adopted…so it will just be our secret. If she knew you, she’d want to be adopted too! 🙂
      Love and prayers….xoxo

      • Patricia,

        I’m sorry to hear about your problems. Yes, we are still praying! “Elvis prayers for the rest of my life.” I like that!

        My parenting book would be all about the mistakes I have made, and what not to do! Your little book would be so much more beautiful.

        I like having secret sisters!

        • I like having secret sisters too 🙂 I feel so close to you, and to others I’ve met through blogging. I feel like we all have so much in common…important things, like our faith and our values, etc. Anyway, we are sisters, since we share the same Father. Won’t Heaven be amazing? Such a BIG family 🙂

          Thank you again for the everlasting Elvis prayers! I need them; that’s for sure! Love and secret hugs….

    • Thank you, Anne. Peace…isn’t that what we are all searching for? Nothing seems right, if I am not at peace. When I was younger, I didn’t appreciate all the references to eternal rest, eternal peace, My Peace I give to you, etc. I didn’t know much stress in those days. Now I do know, and I cherish peace when I am blessed enough to have it. God’s Peace be with you! Thanks so much for visiting and commenting xo

  2. Oh Wonderful! I am so comforted by the beauty of your prayer. I will save this and return to it often. How amazing we are able to rest in Him. Your words are a great balm this morning. The painting is lovely… Thank you so much….God Bless.

    • Cynthia, you are so kind. I love that word “balm.” It’s so soothing. Yes, how amazing that He longs for us to come to Him when we are weary..and He will give us rest. I love the picture too…and like to make myself very small so I can snuggle in His arms too. God bless you, dear “resident” poet of the blogosphere. You are such a gift to those like me who can only stammer a few words. Yours make us soar…..
      Blessings always.

    • Thank you, Colleen. I’ve missed you! I hope you aren’t feeling weary too. You always sound so energetic. Love the pictures you’ve been sharing on FB… Come again soon! Love you xoxo

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