In Praise of the God-Man

O Blessed Holy Spirit,
Fill me with Your Presence;
Inebriate me with Your Love.
Work wonders in my soul,
For all is possible to You.

Stir my poor heart into flame,
O You Who are Love,
Teach me to love everyone.
Transform me into Jesus,
That together we may glorify
Our Heavenly Father
In union with You.

O Mary Spouse of the Holy Spirit,
You are truly Immaculate.
How could You be otherwise?
How Pure, how Perfect You are!
How Lovely — all gentleness and sweetness.

So exquisite in holiness
That the very Son of God
                                                Received Your untainted flesh,                                                
And you have made Him
Our Brother.

O Brother of mine,
Son of God, Son of Man,
You are forever One of us,
Divine yet human.
Do you sometimes long for the earth —
To walk again in our midst?

We are Your people, Your race.
You could not remain apart from us,
So, Your Love brought forth
A Miracle,
The Holy Eucharist
Your Dwelling among men.

O Jesus, how You love us!
For You are human,
Bur Your Love is Infinite,
Because You are also Divine!
How Adorable, how loveable You are!

Words fail me in praising
The Beauty and Wonder of
The God- Man.
Only my heart can stammer
The language of love.

Thank You my Thrice Holy God
For all that You are,
All that You have done.
Only silent adoration
Can speak loudly enough
To praise Your Majesty.

Thank You for an eternity
In which to contemplate
The Mysteries of
Your Incomparable Love!

12 thoughts on “In Praise of the God-Man

    • Trish, I loved your comment: “He has made my heart His prisoner.” And yet He has made Himself YOUR prisoner! What is left to say?

      BTW, I hope you got the email I sent re your comment on “Will You?” Used a different address than the one you are used to seeing, so worried it may have gone into your spam folder.

  1. I have a couple…
    St. Therese, Padre Pio, St. John Marie Vianney (we share a birthday… May 8th), St. Philomena, and Bl. John Paul II (i know he’s not a saint but it won’t be to long before he is one!!!)

    God Bless

        • I read on your blog that you hope to become a priest and/or Benedictine monk one day. That’s so wonderful! I will certainly pray that it happens for you, if it’s God’s Will.
          So, you think you can observe all that Benedictine silence ? : ) Actually, my husband would be shocked to hear it, but I think I could. I love silent retreats. It’s so freeing to be able to talk to God alone.
          May your “support group” lead you wisely on the path God has chosen for you! God bless.

    • Thanks so much, Mary. I just visited your blog and you have some beautiful poems there, as well as some truly inspirational pieces. I keep finding more and more wondeful blogs to follow!
      So much to read; so little time : )

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